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This material is designed and intended to provide general information in summary form on legal topics, current at the time of publication, for general informational purposes only. This is not legal advice.
COVID-19 is a safety risk for essential workers who are working during the lockdown. Your employer must ensure that you and others are safe. They must do what is ‘reasonably practicable’ to minimise the risk of catching or spreading COVID-19.
Managing the COVID-19 risk will look different for each workplace. For supermarkets and similar services, it is reasonable to expect your employer to be doing the following:
Note: these suggestions are based off Safe Work Australia information and the government requirement for masks in indoor public settings, except for schools and office buildings. There is more detailed information on COVID-19 safety for each industry at Safe Work Australia.
If you think customers are not following physical distancing, speak with your employer about it. They could take further steps to ensure people are distancing, such as monitoring behaviour or marking out the direction of traffic.
If people are finding it hard to distance, there may be too many people in the space. Your employer should consider reducing the number of people permitted in at a time.
If you think your employer is not doing enough to make sure everyone stays safe, there are a few things you can do.
People might be upset or stressed due to the lockdown, but it is never okay for them to act aggressively towards you as a worker. Strategies for dealing with aggression include:
SafeWork Australia has further information about this issue.
If you do not feel comfortable working during the lockdown, you will have to negotiate with your employer about taking some time off work.
If you are a casual worker, you have no obligation to work if you choose not to. However, we all know it can be difficult to negotiate as a casual because your employer could stop giving you shifts in the long run.
If you work part-time or full-time with set hours, you may need to request leave from your employer to take time off work. Get in touch with the Working Women’s Centre if you are unsure about your leave options.
If you are a vulnerable person (due to having a compromised immune system, for example) the risk to your wellbeing is higher, and so your employer should consider allowing you to take leave to manage the risk to your safety. To negotiate some time away from work, provide your employer with a medical certificate or medical evidence showing that you are a vulnerable person.
As an essential worker, you are likely to be placed under increased pressure during the lockdown. You may be working increased hours, in more stressful situations and dealing with the uncertainty of the situation. It’s important that you take care of yourself through this time.
Some strategies for looking after yourself include:
There are also a number of mental health support services available: