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Insecure work & gendered violence

How does job security help to protect workers from sexual harassment and gendered violence?

The Working Women’s Centre is investigating the links between insecure work and gendered violence. As part of this advocacy project, we are asking South Australian employers to commit to improving job security for their workers. 

What is gendered violence and how is it linked to insecure work?

Gendered violence is violence that is connected to gender inequality. It includes domestic violence, workplace sexual harassment, sexual assault and other violence.  

Gendered violence is very common. About 1 in 3 Australian women have experienced violence perpetrated by a man since the age of 15.* 1 in 3 people in Australia have experienced sexual harassment at work in the last 5 years.*  

Insecure work is work where there is a level of uncertainty about hours, income or whether the work will continue long-term. This can look like casual work or short-term contracts rather than permanent contracts.   

*References: ABS Personal Safety Survey & the Respect@Work Report

Job insecurity creates an unequal power dynamic that is linked to violence against women:

  • If you don’t have a stable income, it is much harder to escape a violent situation at home  
  • As a casual, reporting workplace sexual harassment might mean losing your job  
  • If you are being harassed by a manager who has the power to cut all your shifts, you are in a very vulnerable situation 
  • If you don’t have secure employment, you can’t always take time off of work to recover and heal after experiencing violence  

You can find more information about these links in our report.

Read our report

Find out more in our report about the Protective Power of Job Security.

How can you get involved?

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Make a commitment to improving job security in your organisation

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Job security

Creating safe and secure workplaces

We have an opportunity to make a difference .

Having a secure job helps women protect themselves against the impacts of gendered violence.

There are many ways in which employers can improve job security for their employees. Improving job security will look different for different organisations.  

These include:  

  • Offering permanency rather than fixed term contracts 
  • Reducing reliance on casual staff and labour hire  
  • Providing consistency in shifts and hours for workers  
  • Providing a genuine right to convert casual work to permanent work
  • Improving paid leave provisions, such as paid parental leave, personal leave and domestic violence leave 

Job security

Employer leadership

Are you an employer, leader or HR team member? Is your organisation looking to help prevent gendered violence through job security?

Make a commitment to improve job security within your organisation.

Once you get in touch with us, the Working Women’s Centre will provide you with an information resource for employers, and organise a phone call or meeting to discuss what this could look like for your organisation.


Get in touch with us


Reclaim the workplace

We were joined by a panel of expert speakers to discuss what sexual harassment looks like, the extent of the problem in Australia, and what we can do to end sexual violence and harassment in our places of work and study.


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