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Please note that this is general information & may not be relevant to your particular matter. This webinar should not be taken as legal advice.
Created and hosted in partnership with Hen House Co-op based in South Australia, we are proud to present this webinar that has been designed to help women running their own small businesses feel confident in employing others fairly and legally.
This webinar will cover:
– Types of workers and employment
– Fair pay and entitlements;
– Where to find pay rates
– Superannuation – How much and when?
– Record keeping and pay slips
– Fair disciplinary process
– National Employment Standards
– Ending employment
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15 - 18 May 2023Legal Clinic
07 Nov 2022Webinar
21 Jun 2023Training Session
15 - 18 May 2023Legal Clinic
$1,127,443.42 Recovered in stolen wages, compensation, penalties and lost income for working women and vulnerable workers (2021/2022 FY)
Vulnerable workers provided with legal advice in relation to their workplace rights (2021/2022 FY)
Vulnerable workers represented in Commissions and Tribunals (2021/2022 FY)