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22 Sep 2021 Uncategorized

IN THE MEDIA: Sam Duluk fallout forces state government to cancel Christmas parties

This article was posted by The Advertiser on September 22, 2021.


Our Director Abbey Kendall spoke with Kathryn Bermingham, for the Advertiser on September 22, 2021.

Abbey Kendall, director of the Working Women’s Centre of SA, said there are clear steps employers can take to ensure Christmas parties are safe.

“Prior to a Christmas party, an employer really needs to look at the culture within an organisation or business,” she said.

“If there is, that needs to be addressed before the party … the emphasis really needs to be on prevention.”

Ms Kendall said complaints arising from Christmas parties made January was a particularly busy time for the centre.

“The complaints range from lewd comments at the Christmas party bar right through to serious assaults,” she said.

Read the full article here.

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