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18 Aug 20226pm

Bullying, discrimination and harassment in the Legal Profession – a preventative approach

A legal CPD co-presented with the ASU and The Women's Lawyers' Association of SA

We’re proud to work with the Australian Services Union (ASU) and The Women Lawyers’ Association of SA to co-present a Continuing Professional Development (CPD) session on sexual harassment prevention in the legal profession.

In 2021 the Equal Opportunity Commission conducted a review of harassment in the South Australian legal profession and found high levels of sexual harassment. The report found that 33% of legal practitioners had been sexually harassed at work, with 83% harassed on multiple occasions.

That report recommended changes to the CPD scheme and now requires all practitioners to undertake a mandatory CPD unit this compliance year, covering bullying and harassment.

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Meet our speakers


Cassandra Deon-Wierda
Cassandra works as the Training Officer for the Working Womens Centre.

Before starting in this position she was employed in various Education and Training positions and actively advocated for women’s issues across the country, developing experience in adult, community and youth education.

These roles included work in both government and not for profit sectors.


Leonora Herweijer
Hosting our session will be the Vice-President of Women Lawyers Association of South Australia Leonora Herwijer.

A Senior Associate a Camatta Lempens, Leonora has extensive experience in areas of law pertaining to First Nations rights.

This is complemented by experience in Family and Migration law and her succsess as an advocate for law reform.

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