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11 Aug 2022 Sexual Harassment
SA Attorney-General Kyam Mayer visits the Centre to announce new funding; coverage by ABC News
SA Attorney-General Kyam Maher visited the Centre on Wednesday 10 August 2022 to announce that $2 million in funding will be given to the Centre, over the next three years, to aid our work in combatting sexual harassment in the workplace.
He said the funding was “really important”.
“Many women don’t just suffer sexual harassment at work, there’s often underpayment of wages so it’s critically important that women have a resource like the Working Women’s Centre,” he said.
The ABC interviewed our Director Abbey Kendall, as well as Senior Lawyer Emma Johnson and her client, Tessa Jones* who spoke about her experience of sexual harassment at her former workplace, and how the Centre helped her.
“For me, I had to go through this, I couldn’t go around it, I couldn’t ignore it. I had to go straight through it and the Centre helped me do that,” she said.
The funding aligns with Recommendation 53 of federal Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins’ Respect@Work report. The Centre will use the funding to employ more lawyers.
The story was also featured on the ABC News SA 7pm bulletin.
*Name changed