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03 Mar 20214:00PM - 6PM weekly

Free program for young women looking for work in the Adelaide Hills

This program is designed for young women aged 17-30, who are based in the Adelaide Hills and are looking for work. Whether that be seeking work due to being unemployed, underemployment – wanting to work more hours or seeking out a more meaningful career.

Two women working on laptop

The workshops will be on a range of topics including:

  • Strategies and tools to use while job hunting.
  • Resume development and interviewing skills.
  • What are our rights in the workplace? How do we know if we are being paid correctly? How can we deal with sexism in the workplace? What are our rights if we have kids or want to have kids?
  • What employment opportunities are there in the district? Showcasing job and education opportunities.
  • How can we go about starting a trade or another career that is traditionally male-dominated? Presentation by female tradies.
  • How can we navigate the welfare system as young job seekers?
  • Self-care – how can we look after ourselves and deal with the stress of looking for work? How to build confidence and self esteem.
  • What changes would we like to see in the world of work? Having our voices heard by political decision-makers.

These workshops will be run by Maddie Sarre, The Working Women’s Centre’s Youth Project Officer and will feature guest presenters.

For more information: please contact Maddie, The Youth Project Officer on

What’s in it for you?

Through training, mentoring and learning-by-doing, you will gain skills and experiences that will help you navigate the challenges of job seeking and work towards getting a job you love.

You will gain:

  • Hands on mentoring and support from the Program Coordinators
  • Opportunities to connect with other young women and talk about shared experiences
  • A space to talk about the challenges and barriers to looking for a job
  • Opportunities to develop practical knowledge and skills to help you find work
  • Job references
  • Tea, coffee & pizza each week!

The program will begin with an art workshop where participants will learn new skills and make a unique creation that they can take home with them. At the end of the program, there will be an opportunity to help plan and deliver a community program with support from the Mount Barker Community Centre.

This project has received funding from the Department of Human Services Youth-led COVID-19 Recovery Grants and administered by the Local Government Association of South Australia. Views and findings associated with this project are expressed independently and do not necessarily represent the views of the Government of South Australia or the Local Government Association of South Australia.

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