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Webinar: Sexual Harassment in Hospo – Your Rights At Work

Join one of our lawyers, Kylie Porter, along with Jamie Bucirde from Not So Hospitable, as we discuss the problem of sexual harassment in the hospitality industry, and your rights and legal options if it happens to you.

We will discuss problematic normalised behaviours, and what a healthy and safe workplace looks like. We will also cover the latest developments in the law, such as the upcoming legislative changes that will place a positive obligation on employers to prevent staff from being sexually harassed.

Both current and former hospo workers are welcome, as are all other interested supporters of workers in the hospitality industry.

Register now by clicking the button on the left, or by visiting this link.


Note: If you can’t attend at this time, please register and we will send you a recording of the session.



About Not So Hospitable
Not So Hospitable is a grassroots hospitality movement highlighting the prevalence of sexual assault, sexual harassment and bullying that fosters a toxic workplace culture within the Adelaide Hospitality community. This movement has gathered over 350 testimonies of sexual harassment and assault within the Adelaide Hospitality community in just a few months. Not So Hospitable’s intention is to gather testimonies, creating a safe space for individuals to share their stories. Over time they also hope to gauge a quantitative understanding of the numbers of incidents occurring within this industry. Not So Hospitable has been working with government bodies to create legislative change on safer working conditions, create accessible education and trainings on sexual harassment within venues and foster collective power to drive change.

Webinar: Domestic & Family Violence Leave – update for small businesses

Have you heard about the Federal Government’s proposed changes to domestic and violence leave?

Do you know what your obligations will be as a small business?

Do you know how to handle a disclosure of domestic violence from one of your staff?

Join Kylie Porter, one of our employment lawyers, to discuss the proposed changes to legislation, your obligations, and how to manage disclosures of domestic and family violence and best support your employees.

Register now by clicking the  button on the left, or by visiting this link.

Note: if you cannot attend at this time, please register to receive a recording of the webinar.

Webinar: Workplace Check-Up for Small Businesses

This Workplace Check-Up session is an opportunity to take stock of your workplace, and to give you tips to make sure your workplace is safe, healthy and an environment in which your employees can thrive.

Join one of our lawyers look at the latest developments in employment law, and how to how to handle situations such as workplace bullying, disciplinary matters, and dismissals in a way which is fair and transparent.

Register now by clicking the button on the left, or by visiting this link.

Note: If you can’t attend at this time, please register and we will send you a recording of the session.


Webinar: Workplace Check-Up for NDIS Providers

Join one of our lawyers look at the latest developments in employment law in the NDIS sector.   This Workplace Check-Up session is an opportunity to take stock of your workplace, and to give you tips to make sure your workplace is safe, healthy and an environment in which your employees can thrive.

We will look at common issues in the Social, Community, Home Care and Disability Services Industry Award 2010  and and how to how to handle situations such as workplace bullying, disciplinary matters, and dismissals in a way which is fair and transparent.

Register now by clicking the button on the left, or by visiting this link.


Note: If you can’t attend at this time, please register and we will send you a recording of the session.



Top 10 Tips for Self-Representing in the Fair Work Commission

The Working Women’s Centre is collaborating with special guests Commissioner Hampton and Commissioner Platt from the Fair Work Commission to deliver a Webinar called “Top Tips for Workers Self-representing in the Fair Work Commission”.

The Webinar will provide invaluable insight from the Commissioners to assist workers with running their own Unfair Dismissal and General Protections matters in the Fair Work Commission. The Commissioners will give their tips on how to most effectively and respectfully communicate, how to prepare and present in a conciliation conference, and what to do when things tense.

We acknowledge that this event will be streamed on Kaurna land and we pay our respect to the traditional custodians of the land, past and present. Sovereignty was never ceded.

Your Rights At Work – Feast Festival edition

Have you ever felt you were treated differently at work because of your gender or sexuality? Have you ever experienced harassment from a colleague or customer?

Come along to our webinar to learn about your fundamental legal rights and protections at work. We will cover common issues encountered by LGBTIQA+ employees, how to deal with discrimination or bullying, and your right to a safe workplace.

We will also discuss some new initiatives such as gender affirmation leave, and how you can create change at your workplace.


Register for this event via the button on the left of this page, or through this link .


We acknowledge that this event will be streamed on Kaurna land and we pay our respect to the traditional custodians of the land, past and present. Sovereignty was never ceded.


Babies, Bosses and the 9-5

In the first 12 years of their child’s life, most women’s careers, finances and ability to participate in the workplace is seriously undermined by the rolling inequities in law and public policy about parenting and family. 


The Working Women’s Centre SA invites Professor Rae Cooper and Associate Professor Elizabeth Hill, two pre-eminent experts in the world of women, family, and work, to discuss how public policy and legislation effects women, work, and families.  

We will discuss the big-ticket public policies that rule the first 12 years of parenting: 

  • Parental leave; 
  • Childcare; and 
  • Flexible working arrangements 

We are going to examine these public policies and laws and ask the following questions: 

  • Why do women end up with the biggest share of parenting responsibilities in most families?  
  • Why is childcare so hard to access? Why is it so expensive?  
  • Why are women still made to feel like they must choose between having a career and having kids? 
  • Why is it that it’s mostly women taking parental leave? What rights do we have and how can we improve the system?  
  • What is holding us back from universal access to parental leave? How do we ask men to share the leave and parenting responsibilities?  


Register here:


We acknowledge that this event will be streamed on Kaurna land and we pay our respect to the traditional custodians of the land, past and present. Sovereignty was never ceded.

LGBTQI+ legal rights and protections – webinar

Have you experienced discrimination based on your gender or sexuality? Have you had trouble accessing Centrelink? Would you like to be more aware of your rights?  

Come along to our webinar to learn about your LGBTQI+ legal rights and protections. This webinar will be run by the Working Women’s Centre SA, Westside Lawyers and UC Law Centre, and will cover welfare rights, Centrelink issues and workplace rights with a focus on discrimination.  

We acknowledge that this event will be streamed on Kaurna land and we pay our respect to the traditional custodians of the land, past and present. Sovereignty was never ceded.

Wage Theft in South Australia – Free Webinar

The Working Women’s Centre SA recovered over $500,000 for workers in just one financial year. While this is a great achievement, it is only a fraction of what is owed to hard working South Australians. We know, more than most, that wage theft is hitting women and migrant workers the hardest.


Wage theft extends to the non-payment of base wages, penalty rates, superannuation, loadings, and the non-payment of entitlements that workers should be receiving by law. In some sectors of the economy, wage theft has transitioned from a fringe activity to a business model.


This is an issue for workers and the government. In fact, the South Australian Parliamentary Wage Theft Interim Report confirms what we already knew: wage theft is rife in South Australia and it affects the most vulnerable workers in our community.


We gave evidence to the Wage Theft Inquiry about one of our clients who was only paid $14 an hour. How can you live on $14 an hour? You can’t. It isn’t a living wage.


In response to the Interim Report, we are holding a community discussion about the prevalence of wage theft to kick start South Australia’s response to this issue.
Wage Theft in SA - Free Webinar

Your rights at work: Free Training for International students

The Working Women’s Centre has teamed up with National Union of Students Welfare Department, (FUSA Flinders University Student Association, USASA UniSA Student Association, Adelaide University Student Representative Council, Adelaide Young Christian Workers – YCW & The Young Workers Legal Service to present this webinar.

We recognise that many international students are working casually, often well below the minimum wage and can be at greater risk of exploitation by their employer.

We also know that as the South Australian economy opens up, there will be greater competition for jobs and employers trying to cut corners.
Our team of experts will leave you with a better understanding of the Australian workplace laws and some ideas about how to address unfair treatment in your own workplace.

The webinar will help answer some of your questions such as:

❓ What are my basic workplace entitlements?
❓ What should I expect from my employer?
❓ I am being underpaid, what do I do?
❓ What rules does my employer have to follow? What about me?
❓ Where can I get more information?
❓ I have been working more than 20 hours a week, can I still complain?
Your Rights at Work – Free webinar training for International Students in Australia

Working from home: Risks and Rewards – Online Panel

These sorts of claims elicit many questions;
????Is this a positive change?
????Does WFH finally give women the flexibility we have been fighting for?
????How do we navigate WFH when our own home is not safe?
????What about work, health and safety? What about the costs of running a home office?
????Will WFH be optional in the future? Should it be? Will more time in the home, increase our care work?
????What types of workers get to WFH? Do you have to let your employer into your home? Will work hours increase? What on earth are we doing about childcare?
There are no simple answers, and as always it depends; not every person has the opportunity to WFH or experiences WFH equally. Can we re-imagine work, so that is works for us?
To keep this conversation going and maybe answer some of these questions, the Working Women’s Centre SA Inc is proud to host:

Working from Home: Risks and Rewards: An online panel conversation about gender and labour, while working from & in the home.

Working from home: Risks and Rewards - Online Panel

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