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27 May 20215.30-7.00pm

Feminist action session – a COVID-19 recovery that factors in young women

Come along to this action session to help us spread the word about our recommendations for a COVID-19 recovery that factors in the needs of young women

About this event

The Working Women’s Centre SA has launched a report titled Loss of Work, Isolation & Worry: The Disproportionate Impact of COVID-19 on Young Women. In the report, we share the experiences of young women during the pandemic, as well as crucial policy recommendations that improve gender equality throughout the Covid-19 recovery process.  

We need decision makers to hear young women’s voices and make our recommendations happen! To achieve this goal, we need your support to make our voice stronger. Come along to our action session to help us spread the word!  

You will have the chance to take action in support of these recommendations amongst other like-minded people, and with information and support from the Working Women’s Centre.

This session will include:  

  • Spreading the word on social media
  • Asking organizations to sign on in support of the recommendations , and
  • Contacting your MP 

We will speak briefly about how you can take action, and then provide plenty of time to take action together.  

Bring a laptop if you have one!  

Snacks provided. 

We can’t wait to see you there!  

Check out the report in the meantime.

The venue is wheelchair accessible. The nearest disability access bathrooms are at the Adelaide Train Station.

We acknowledge that this event is on Kaurna land and we pay our respect to the traditional custodians of the land, past and present . Sovereignty was never ceded.

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